The Georgian Wall Mounted Bench Support by Federal Brace is an angle bracket with a low profile gusset providing additional support while remaining virtually invisible under the bench. For use indoors and outdoors, the Georgian bench support can be installed over tile, stone and brick with the proper tools or installed directly to the subframe. Select the size that is within 4" of the depth of your bench for maximum support. Space the brackets no greater than 30" apart in your installation and into studs for a 500 pound carry capacity.
Our Georgian Bench Support Brackets provide superior support
in a clean, aesthetic look. The inwardly sloped gusset gives the
bracket strength to support nearly any application while giving it
a sleek look. The Georgian Bench Support is made of 1⁄4” Steel
or Stainless Steel.
Not exactly what you are needing to complete your project? Our Georgian Bench Support Brackets is similar, but does not have pre-fabricated holes on the top of the bracket.