Posted on09/06/2017 1466

Federal Brace will be joining several local organizations and charities to Stuff A Truck on Friday, September 13th and send much-needed water, supplies, and food to the victims of Hurricane Harvey in Houston and the surrounding regions. Many of these evacuees packed into community centers, arenas, and even local stores in the rush to flee the swiftly-rising waters, leaving behind their belongings and, in some unfortunate cases, even loved ones. The sudden onslaught of one of the worst hurricanes in Texan history has left tens of thousands without homes, many of those without proper nourishment, and nearly a hundred individuals have died in the floods that spread across an area larger than the size of Lake Michigan. The impact on Houston and Texas will no doubt be felt for many years, however, immediate and lasting assistance can bring relief to our fellow citizens and southern neighbors.

So how are we helping? Federal Brace is joining Bisque Imports, Slumpy’s, Short Run Pro, and North Carolina-based charity, eMite, to Stuff A Truck for Texas. We’re shipping needed medical supplies, hygiene, food, and water by semi-truck load. In fact, if we gather enough to send two trucks, we WILL! We’re dedicated to helping how we can, but we need your help as well.

A Stuff A Truck event will be held on September 8th at The Point Church and we will be accepting donations at our drop off locations in Belmont until September 13. You can join us at the event or make a donation drop off at any of the locations below. Check out the following image to see what is so badly needed by those who are displaced & hurting:

Thank you for your assistance in providing supplies, well-being, and HOPE to those who have been devastated by such an awful natural disaster.


Bisque Imports 1 Belmont Ave. Belmont, NC 28012 | 704-829-9290 | 8am - 8pm | Please drop off items by 9/13/2017


The Pointe Church 6700 Wilkinson Blvd., Belmont, NC 28012 (Across from Walmart) Friday 9/8/2017 from 8 am - 6 pm

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