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Five Tips for Flawless, Fresh, & FESTIVE Laundry

Five Tips for Flawless, Fresh, & FESTIVE Laundry
Posted on11/27/2019 by 793

The hostess-ing, party-hopping, meal-prepping, light-hanging, guestroom-prepping, cookie-baking, gift-wrapping, & shopping ‘till you drop season is here! If all the extra laundry produced from the busiest time of year has you thinking -- “Humbug!” -- here are some sanity & time saving ideas to make your laundry area a place where you can actually recharge, relax, & refresh while getting those festive items clean & party ready!

  • Ensure your laundry space is in good working order by checking to see if you're fully stocked on detergent, pre-treaters, fabric softeners, dryer sheets, etc. Create a designated area to sort & organize with a little extra space for a helpful “Elf on the Shelf”?
  • Prepare pre-measured detergents & delegate duties. Get some small canning jars with lids, measure out your detergent &/or laundry products, then neatly stack these in your laundry area. When it is time to start a new load, just open the jar & pour into the right slot on the washer. This tip is also great if you have houseguests & want them to help by doing a load of laundry. You do not have to worry about them using an excessive amount of detergent since it is premeasured.
  • Use the daily wash cycle feature. Most modern washers have a delay start feature. Use this feature to your advantage over the holidays. You can load the washer in the morning before going to work & have it set to start about an hour before you get home. Once you arrive home, the clothes will be ready to go into the dryer.
  • Help ugly Xmas sweaters retain their shape. After the white elephant party - but prior to washing - lay the ugly sweater out & trace it’s outline on a large sheet of parchment paper. After washing, wrap the ugly sweater in a towel to soak up the excess water, then lay the sweater on the parchment paper & reshape to fit the outline. Allow it to dry flat.
  • Don’t wait to do laundry after the holiday party. It’s so tempting to leave all of those wine & gravy-stained tablecloths, napkins, & runners for another day. But even though you’ll be rightfully exhausted from your hosting duties, those stains will undoubtedly set in overnight — which means more time spent scrubbing them out tomorrow.

Give yourself the gift of peace of mind this holiday season (& your laundry area a serious upgrade!) with a Killarney Metals in-stock & ready to ship washer drip or drain pan complete with the No Leak+ Guarantee. Check out or call toll-free (877) 801-7417 8:30AM - 5 PM EST for assistance.



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