Frightening Flubs
Spooky season is finally upon us. The gloomy days and longer nights bring to mind my own countless episodes of staying up all night studiously devouring “Scary Stories to Read in the Dark”. Yes. Those. (Collected from folklore and retold by Allen Schwartz. Shiver.) Heebie-jeebies to spare! As an adult, the things that scare us to death and keep us up at night are very different. Home problems from vermin infestation to water damage can make your heart skip a beat. Truth be told, at Killarney Metals we don’t know much about vermin infestation solutions, but we do know safety and spill containment. As we celebrate #spookyszn together please enjoy this alarming and shocking collection of nightmare plumbing fails. ALL are true stories.
Duct Tape Compression Fittings
What’s MOST weird about this? It appears that the drain parts are brand new. Installing drain lines and p-traps under a sink doesn’t normally call for duct tape. Bound to be a few plumbing leaks here.

Mystery Leak Sealant
Where do we begin? Is this silly putty? Cookie dough? Regardless, this is a chart topper for terrifying plumbing fails.

Wine cork crafts remain a hot button on Pinterest, but this is just a step too far. Certainly hope this homeowner meandered into a hardware store near the craft store near the wine shop… #HereForTheBoos

A P-Trap Fraught with Danger
Now, we’ve seen it all. To make the drain work, you just lift the sink up and out, then tilt it every which way. Then you do the hokey-pokey and turn yourself around… “Honey, is everything OK in there?”

The Definition of Hard Water
On the plus side, the water spraying out should soon melt the icicle. #TrickOrTreat

Freddy Krueger Got Nothing on This...
Must’ve been something really tasty plugging up that trap. What the? Hello horrifying!

Sock Purgatory
Well, at least we’ve solved the problem of where those lost socks go. Duct tape alone just wasn’t stopping the leaks or the madness. #spookytime

Got your own eerie drain fitting error or (creepy) leaky appliance? Killarney Metals has solutions that work! Check out or call toll-free (877) 801-7417 8:30AM - 5 PM EST for assistance.