WINNING at Brand Recognition for Your Business
Starbucks. Mcdonalds. Apple. FedEx. Mercedes. Pepsi. Nike. Coca Cola. Chanel. Disney. UPS. Target. Ford. Amazon. Doritos. BMW. Pinterest. Uber. Adidas. Google. Instagram. Netflix...
This blog post comes to you LIVE from our latest company 2020 trade show at the Las Vegas Convention Center, and we BET that you can picture at least 20 of the 22 most well known brand logos above clearly in your mind. The entire Las Vegas Strip is ablaze with hotel logos, show logos, casino logos, shopping logos, & more! These logos and your company logo are the visual identity of what your business has to offer, simplified into an icon. Logos help customers and consumers differentiate one product from another. To hit the marketing JACKPOT, company logos need to be recognizable and appropriately reflect the quality of the brand.
When designing or updating a company logo, PLAY YOUR CARDS RIGHT with color! Using a unified color scheme goes a long way to help customers easily identify your products. These same colors should be used in creating the promotional materials as well as all forms of branding for the company.

Beyond color, all of a brand’s logo elements (i.e., shape, letters, images) work as psychological triggers or stimuli that causes an association to all other thoughts we have about a brand. These brands logos provide external cues to taste, design, performance, quality, value, and prestige if they are developed and managed properly.
The nature of each individual business will determine how visible the company logo should be on each product. The Louis Vuitton approach varies greatly from the Peloton logo brand scheme and your business logo should have its own unique personality too, so UP THE ANTE! The branding process seeks to develop or align the expectations behind the brand experience, creating an impression that a product or service associated with a brand possesses certain qualities or characteristics that set it apart from other (e.g., competitor) products or services. A logo is therefore one of the most valuable elements in an advertising theme, as it demonstrates the uniqueness of the brand and its particular space in the overall marketplace. Logo recognition is most successful when a brand is recognized independent of the company’s name, but rather through visual signifiers like colors, shapes, fonts, or slogans.
Consumers may view branding as an aspect of products or services, as it often serves to denote certain attractive qualities or characteristics. From the perspective of brand owners, branded products or services also command higher prices. Where two products resemble each other, but one of the products has no associated branding (such as a generic, store-branded product), people may often select the more expensive branded product on the basis of the quality or reputation of the brand or brand owner.
This blog post serves as the official announcement that Oeveo brand logos are coming soon to each individual product we offer. We are currently testing different brand logo materials and methods to ensure the ultimate experience you crave from Oeveo. We design UP. Stay tuned for more!