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Signs That It's Time To Replace Your Washer

Signs That It's Time To Replace Your Washer
Posted on09/12/2022 by 462

Signs That It’s Time to Replace Your Washer

Not all of us live in our dream home... But whether you live in a starter home, an apartment, a tiny home, a condo, a highrise, etc. There is one appliance that almost all of us use.. A Washing Machine. There is no way to avoid using one of these machines unless you want to go back to colonial times and wash your clothes and bedding by hand, spending hours a day doing so.

For most people, not much thought goes into their washing machine. They simply put their clothes into the machine, throw in some detergent, and let the machine do all the work and wash their clothes. But, do you know the signs of when to replace your washing machine? 

These three simple items can help you decide if it’s time to replace your appliance. Keep reading to find out! 


Prevent leaky washing machine

Credit: DIY Controls

Is your washer leaking? If you notice water on the floor every time you do the laundry, your washing machine has a problem. Some leaking problems can be relatively easy to fix and others are a big red flag that it's time to consider buying a new machine. One of the most common causes of washing machine leaks is the door seal / flange. Your washing machine door is used frequently so the seal can easily get ripped or torn, letting water leak down either inside or externally down the front of the machine. Another simple check can be the drain hose that allows the washer to dump out the soapy water and rinse water used to clean your clothes. The drain outlet for this is often found where the supply valves are, typically between them, though your drain might be closer to your floor. Check for a third hose (or pipe) leading out of your washer and look for any signs of wetness or damage. If your washer drain hose is damaged, this could easily be the source of your leak. A clog could also be the source of your issue. A clog in your washer drain line or in the drain itself may be causing a backup which can result in unwanted leaks. Leaks are no fun, so with any washer, new or old, make sure you have a washer pan under your machine. Washer Pans provide convenient, reliable spill containment against leaks that present a major risk of water damage, mildew and mold in your home. THESE pans are great to use for any washer.


Credit: Engin Akyurt

Everyone knows the annoying sound of a washing machine drowning out your favorite TV show. While noise in and of itself isn’t a sign to throw your washer to the curb, it can be a sign that repairs may be needed. One of the easiest fixes and a common culprit is foreign items left behind in pockets and that end up spinning in your washer. If you hear a clanking or scratching noise – there’s a good chance some foreign item may have slipped into your washer’s filter, in the rubber seal, or is simply spinning around in the drum. Common culprits are buttons, coins, bra wires, and the like. Once you’ve cleared out the drum and ruled that out as the source of noise, you can check underneath the rubber seal. If your washer sounds like it’s about to take off and land in your living room, make sure it isn’t just off-balance. Overloading the washer with big items, such as comforters, can cause it to be unbalanced, leading to your washer sounding like a fighter jet.  If you have made sure your laundry loads are properly distributed, are free of foreign objects, and the sound still hasn’t gone away, it may be time for a repair or replacement. 


Credit: Avi Richards 

Is your washer older than your smartphone? Washers, like any technology, constantly are being updated with new technology to save water and clean clothes better. ThinkTank says that newer Energy Star certified washers typically use 25% less energy and 45% less water than older models. So while the upfront investment of a new washer is hefty, the more money you'll save in utility bills can eventually alleviate that cost and be more cost effective.

Time to Replace

By keeping an eye out for the signs discussed above, you will have plenty of time to start saving up and looking for a new washing machine. Buying a new washing machine is a hassle, but worrying about a finicky washer and having half-washed clothes is never fun. When it comes time to go shopping for a new washer, give yourself plenty of time and do your research. Do some research on top load washers and front load washers to see what is best for you and your home. This Better Homes and Garden article on How to Choose the Best Washing Machine for You can help get you started on your washing machine search. Don't forget to check online to find year-round deals that will save you tons of cash in the long-run without even leaving your home.

Protect Your Home From Washer Leaks!

Whether your washer is brand new or has been around for a while, a metal drip or drain pan is a necessity to make sure you are protected from any accidental leaks or machine failures from your washing machine failing during a wash cycle. 

Killarney Metals manufactures a wide variety of spill containment solutions in high-quality cold-rolled steel and aluminum. All of our metal drip and drain pans are made in America and backed by our NO LEAK+ Guarantee, giving you peace of mind that they won’t ever crack, break, or dry-rot, and leave your home or business exposed to damage or the possibility of personal injury.

With over 200 in-stock and made-to-order options, and the ability to manufacture custom solutions, we’ve got you covered.

Here’s a quick overview of four types of Killarney Metals Washing Machine Pans you can invest in to protect your home:

Drip Pan

This is the least someone can do to protect their home from leaks and the perfect solution for top-load washing machine leaks and/or spill containment. 

Drain Pan

This washer drain pan is the perfect solution for the average person, this pan comes with a pre-punched. drain hole for a PVC drain fitting to allow for water to drain in the event of a leak or washing machine failure. 

Front Load Washer Drain Pan

This tapered drip pan is the perfect solution for front-load washing machines and offers the same value you can get from a drip/drain pan depending on which styling you choose.

Trench Drain Pan

This pan is our newest and most innovative pan. The pan is fitted with a drain trough on the entry side of the pan so that a washer can easily be maneuvered into the pan. The new patented drain trough will capture any leaking water that might spill from the equipment - keeping your home safe from accidental spills. Our Trench Drain Pans provide the perfect solution for the tricky installation of equipment inside your spill containment pan. Innovation and functionality bundled together, the trench drain design is protected by U.S. patent #44227-RA.

No matter what drain pan you choose, the peace and security of knowing your machine is safe from leaking and ruining your home is worth the investment.



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