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7 Family Fun Ideas: Safer at Home

7 Family Fun Ideas: Safer at Home
Posted on07/28/2020 by 734

7 Family Fun Ideas: Safer at Home

August is National Family Fun Month! Kick off this celebration by being proactive about spending quality time together. As you and your children are likely finding yourselves #saferathome more often than ever this summer, now is the perfect time to seize opportunities for FUN and improve healthy relationships. Here are 7 family fun ideas that can get you started.

Get Moving: Take a walk to a nearby park for a fresh perspective. Getting active is a good way to get the conversation flowing. Pack a picnic and a Frisbee for a day of fun in the sun. While you are out and about, have all family members pick up 10 pieces of trash each to help keep the area clean and beautiful for the next family of picnickers to enjoy.

On rainy days try out the Peloton App for family fitness. The free 30 day trial includes on-demand classes for “Fit Family Fun”, Fit Family Strong”, Fit Family Brain Breaks”, and “Family Meditations”. These exercise classes are appropriate for all ages and all experience levels. Get moving together and watch the fun happen!

Do Good Globally: Be charitable with your time together as a family! Check out eMite - a non-profit charity that connects givers with impactful humanitarian projects. See the 22 projects eMite has already completed -- including most recently providing 1,000 face masks to COVID-19 warriors who are meeting the daily needs of low-income families -- and plan to participate in Project #23 with eMite … coming soon!

Plant a Late-Summer Garden: Inspire your kids’ budding green thumbs by planting a late-summer vegetable garden. Carrots, broccoli, garlic, onions, and cauliflower all do well when planted this month. Being able to watch the “fruits” of their labor flourish will inspire family members to eat more veggies and encourage conversations about food literacy. Bonus step: Start a compost system!

Stay In Touch with Relatives: Make summer a little brighter for long distance relatives and/or senior family members by writing letters from your household to theirs. Include hand written notes, one-of-a-kind drawings, summer fun updates etc. Who doesn’t like to get some love in the mail?

Cook a Special Meal Together as a Family: There are lots of ways to turn a meal into family fun night. One way is to choose a menu together and prepare for the needed grocery items from the menu plan together. Get adventurous with your meal choices or choose cuisine from different parts of the world to really make it interesting.

Another way to get everyone involved is to have each person be in charge of a certain course. One person can choose and prepare a salad, while other people take charge of an appetizer, main course, side dish or dessert. Then, eat together as a family.

Hold a Movie Night: Although it can be great to turn off your technology for a family fun night, make an exception for movie night. Take turns choosing the movies and preparing the snacks. Get out some blankets and pillows and watch the agreed upon movie together. Keep all phones/devices away so it doesn't turn into a night filled with everyone staring at their screens while a movie plays in the background. After the movie is over, talk to your kids about what they liked or didn’t like about it. Start a conversation that will help you get a better understanding of their point of view.

Have a Family Board Game Night: Kids are used to fast-paced video games. Slowing down to play a board game can show them that they don’t need electronics to have fun. If your family hasn’t found one particular game that everyone likes, experiment with different games on board game night. Take turns picking out games or divide the family into teams. Make sure your game nights are more about having fun, rather than a serious competition.

Be fully present to celebrate National Family Fun Month this August with those you love. Make your time together about talking, laughing, and creating new memories. Whether you’re able to schedule family fun once a week or once this month, know that regular family time can be an important ritual in your growing kid's life. The key is to make family fun time a priority and get everyone in the family involved.

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